Saturday, March 14, 2009

M.D. really stands for "Medical Dolt"!

We struggle today, as a culture, to get over the idea that M.D. really stands for "Medical Dolt" (rather than "medical doctor"), because most doctors believe they are a god, having the power of life or death over others. For many physicians, such as the following, the title is well deseved.


EH Jordan
Edward H. Jordan is a general practitioner with a known propensity for error on staff at the Kirkland and District Hospital, a hospital controlled primarily by ineffectual overseers and poachers of patients rights, where the order of the day is an ogre of uncivilized behavior geared to its own self-serving interests, where doctor unavailability nurtures patient habit of seeking out the ER, and tenure of welfare cases is seen as a deterrent to good medical care. Jordan was born in 1962 and claims to be a graduate of the Memorial University of Newfoundland, graduating in 1988. It is not known whether he attended per se, or graduated by correspondence. A search of the student yearbook for 1988 failed to confirm his academic attendance.


His postgraduate training, according to a CPSO Doctor Search, includes what I take to be a 3-day specialty crash course in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Toronto in September of 2000. Dr. Jordan is now a "clinical fellow" who fancies himself a specialist in that field. This would not be unusual; the obstetrician has long been considered a midwife masquerading as a specialist.

Like many other doctors, he suffers from undiagnosed metacognitive deficit disorder, a syndrome that spans a broad continuum of metacognitive incompetence or lack of capacity to distinguish accuracy from error. Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Faulty reasoning or inability to pay attention may predispose. In his efforts to gain hands-on experience for academic completeness, he is indifferent to and ignorant of the near epidemic harm that accompanies him like an evil talisman. His shortcomings at the Kirkland and District Hospital not only include a litany of poor choice medications with
severely ill patients, but also an implacable pattern of bad habit and lack of concern and in particular, with respect to indigent female patients and young mothers-to-be resulting in increased infant mortality with induction of labour at his, rather than natures convenience, and myriad more.

A consensus of local opinion is that all of Dr. Jordan's patients are either inert, erroneously medicated, or dead. Further findings suggest that he perceives his patients as an intrusion, or commodity that is, unfortunately necessary to maintain his practice. Further, word on the street has it that a number of civil malpractice suits have passed his way on several ocassions. One might wish to look up Dr. Jordans name in the general division/civil actions of the provincial court house for malpractice claims and/or follow his death trail by seeking out the families of those who have died while under his care.

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