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This website holds itself out as a "free, non-biased, anonymous database" of Canadian doctor ...Rating Dr. Edward Jordan Area Of Medicine: Family Doctor / General Practitioner
"My wife died unnecessarily as a direct result of this doctor's stupidity."
Doctors will try anything to silence negative reviews from patients.
Note: The all important information was obliterated following this posting.
"My wife developed "flu-like" symptoms within two weeks following radiation therapy, at the end of April of 2000. marked by loss of appetite, nausea, bilious vomiting and night sweats, suggestive of gastrointestinal illness. She complained of severe stomach pain that would come and go with bloody bowel movements ongoing for 3 days. She was given antibiotics for a “suspected UTI” and sent home. On the 4th week she became constipated and developed migraine headaches with increasing severity, weakness, difficulty ambulating with unsteadiness, drowsiness. She had “mild diffuse weakness” and “slurred” speech at presentation on May 23 rd of 2000. She appeared to be haggard, but was otherwise found to be “alert and oriented”. Examination revealed “no focal deficits”. She was afebrile. She was admitted to Kirkland and District Hospital for IV and Gravol. Among antibiotics, she was given 30 mg MS Contin (Morphine Sulphate) in the face of undiagnosed and undifferentiated emergent conditions associated with "abdominal pain" and bilious vomiting, followed by an order of 10 mg x 4 daily Stemetil (prochlorperazine)“for control of nausea”, after which she began to rapidly deteriorate with signs of fluid overload, including tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, dyspnea (labored breathing) and other signs of respiratory distress. In a letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario dated November 28, 2000, Dr. Jordan writes "discussed the situation with family members and a decision was made to intubate Ms. Berry", while the Ambulance Call Report seen at N-7 documents an unsigned "Status Code 0", or endorsement of a No Code by proxy. This is an order akin to a 'DNR' denying medical intervention. Dr. Jordan treated her over the telephone, unseen, while sitting at home watching TV. Looking over the chart it is clear that obtaining a 'no code' status in the face of immune mediated adversities by reason of his failure to attend, diagnose and treat accordingly was the next essential step in executing her death. This is an order denying medical intervention in emergency situations. The 'no code' as evidenced in this case by a "Nature Code 0" (no code = no care) was ordered by Dr. Jordan, without family knowledge or consent when the patient's condition began to rapidly deteriorate. To allow or hasten a patient's death to cover-up error or negligence is reprehensible. It is nothing short of murder since such an act or omission carries the intended consequence of the act or omission, hence, the mens rea or criminal intent. Her medical record had been altered and falsified in order to cover-up incompetence, gross medical negligence and medical stupidity. Only 41 years of age, my common-law wife died a tragic, horrific, and senseless death in the face of treatable and potentially reversible conditions, for which I hold Dr. Jordan criminally responsible. It took almost 8 years of private investigation and medical research to narrow the events down to overlapping variants of the Guillain Barre syndrome against a background of undiagnosed and untreated diabetic neuropathy."
When I complained in the feedback about the rating matter, here is what I received in my email:
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| show details 9:53 PM (27 minutes ago) |
Rating Dr. Edward Jordan Area Of Medicine: Family Doctor / General Practitioner
Note: The all important information > <>>>“ s stupidity."
Note: The all important information > <>>>“ s stupidity."
Know that bias always accompanies "errors and distortions". In the alternative, their system has an acquired "superbug" up its geekodomain.
That would not be unusual where a derailment of information "jumping the tracks" is the primary objective!
Follow the story?
Dr. E.H. Jordan already has an extensive negative review profile which can be viewed at
RateMDs.com - Dr. Edward Henry Jordan Doctor Ratings
RateMDs.com | Doctor ratings and reviews
![Canadian Search Engine And Canada Community Web Portal VIA Canuckster - Submit/Add Your Site](http://www.buy4cheap.biz/friendly/search/engine/images/seal.gif)
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